Common Ground with Seb Collinge, Attirecare

Common Ground
Welcome to our first installment of COMMON GROUND, a new content series designed to connect you to other founders and to shine a light on the beautiful everyday items that help them run their business.
Tell us about your business and what your working week looks like?
We're a lifestyle care brand focused on three main sectors, shoe, garment & Home. We like to think we take the mundane and turn it into something of ethical appreciation. A normal week for me is usually juggled between production & new product development, both taking place at our warehouse in North Wales. The rest of the week you can find me at our main office in Manchester focussing on design and brand development.
What’s your morning beverage of choice, caffeine kick or something herbal?
For me it’s always a coffee, followed by a brew!
Are you on the move a lot meeting people, or do you prefer to be based at your desk most of the time getting through the do-do list?
I would say it’s pretty mixed for me – socialising half the week in the factory overseeing orders and staying quite hands on with making the products. But then the other half of the week is usually head down working apart, with the odd break to take the dog for a walk or nipping out for coffee.
Images by Abigail Brookes - The Hoxton, Paris
What are the things you carry with you most often, or what possessions couldn’t you live without?
I'd say my Handycam and Film Camera are essential, I'm always capturing stuff. But also my notebook is a life saver, I’m not a massive fan of making my to do’s on my laptop or phone.
How important to you is it that your things are made ethically and are kind to the planet?
And finally, we hope our Laptop Sleeve is slotting into your daily routine nicely?